Inviting Your Members as Church Administrators

At the end of this aricle, you should:

Follow the steps below to invite a member as a Church Administrator:

  1. On the left sidebar, under the Other Tools section, open the Church Administrators menu, then click on Church Administrators. The Church Administrators page will be displayed with a Table List of the current Administrators for your church.
  2. From the Action Bar atop the page, click on the Invite Church Administrator button, highlighted with the red box in Figure 1 below:
    Figure 1: Screenshot showing the `Invite Church Administrator` button.
    Figure 1: Screenshot showing the `Invite Church Administrator` button.
  3. The Invite Church Administrator Form will be displayed, as shown in Figure 2 below. Fill-out the Form, by following the steps below:
  • Search for the church member you wish to invite in the Church Member. This field is labelled 1 in Figure 2 below.
  • Select the church administration Role you want to assign to the invited church member. This is labelled 2 in Figure 2 below.
  • Enter INVITE in the third field, labelled 3 in Figure 2 below, then click on the INVITE button (labelled 4 in Figure 2 below).
    Figure 2: Screenshot of the `Invite Church Administrator` Form.
    Figure 2: Screenshot of the `Invite Church Administrator` Form.
  1. A mail will be sent to the primary email address on the member’s profile within your church. Figure 3 is a sample of the mail the member will receive.
    Figure 3: Screenshot of a mail inviting a church member to become a `Church Administrator`.
    Figure 3: Screenshot of a mail inviting a church member to become a `Church Administrator`.
  2. The member will have to click on the Accept Invitation button in the mail (as shown in Figure 3 above). Once clicked on, the OTP Verification page will be opened, requiring a six-digits number (OTP). This OTP will be sent to the member’s email address. Enter the six-digit OTP in the field annotated with the red arrow in Figure 4 below.
    Figure 4: Screenshot showing the `OTP Verification` page for acceptance of invitation as `Church Administrator`.
    Figure 4: Screenshot showing the `OTP Verification` page for acceptance of invitation as `Church Administrator`.
  3. Once the OTP Verification is successful, the Password Update page might be displayed if the member’s account requires a password update. There is a guideline (highlighted with the red rectangle in Figure 5 below) on how to create a strong password. Enter the password in the first field (labelled 1 in Figure 5 below), then confirm the password in the second field (labelled 2 in Figure 5 below). Click on the Complete button in the bottom-right corner as shown on the screenshot below:
    Figure 5: Screenshot showing the `Password Update` page for a newly invited Church Adminitrator.
    Figure 5: Screenshot showing the `Password Update` page for a newly invited Church Adminitrator.
    When the member’s password is successfully updated, a confirmation dialog will be displayed with a button to login. Another mail confirming the successful change of password will be received.
  4. Once the member clicks the Login button, the login page for the Gotedo Vineyard software will be opened. The member must enter their email address and the newly created or existing password, then click on the Login button. Another six-digit OTP Verification code (the login code) will be required (this will be sent to the email address). Enter the OTP Verification code and submit. Afterwards, the newly invited Church Admin will be logged in, having the level of access that matches the role for which you invited them.

Managing Church Administrators

Access-Control Roles for Church Administrators

Managing Church Administrators

Managing Pending Invitations for Church Administrators

Some text some message..