Access-Control Roles for Church Administrators

By the end of this article, you should:

There are currently six (6) roles you can assign to a member whom you are inviting as a church administrator:

  1. Church Owner
  2. OrgAdmin
  3. OrgEditor
  4. OrgViewer
  5. ServiceAdmin
  6. ServiceEditor
  7. ServiceViewer.

Let’s discuss more about these roles for church administrators.

# Role Name Description
1 Church Owner The Church Owner role is an automated role which is assigned to the member who created your church’s account on the Gotedo Vineyard software. It is called an automated role because it cannot be directly assigned by a church admin to another church admin. The member with the Church Owner role is typically the contact person for the church on the Gotedo Platform and is often the person who submitted verification documents for verifying the church on the Gotedo Platform. Consequently, the Church Owner is considered the ultimate role for church admins and can perform all administrative functions for the church on the Gotedo Platform, in general. The Church Owner role can remove any church admin from the Gotedo Vineyard software including members with the OrgAdmin roles.
2 OrgAdmin The OrgAdmin role is the role with the highest privileges which can be directly assigned to church admins on the Gotedo Vineyard software. The OrgAdmin role can list, view, create, and delete any resource owned by your church on the Gotedo Vineyard software. Most importantly, the OrgAdmin can invite other members of your church to access your church dashboard as church admins, and can remove other church admins as well except the Church Owner.
3 OrgEditor The OrgEditor role is the role with the second highest privilege which can be directly assigned to church admins on the Gotedo Vineyard software. While OrgEditor can list, create, and edit most resources owned by your church on the Gotedo Vineyard software, they cannot delete resources and cannot edit church settings. The OrgEditor role cannot invite a church admin neither can they edit the account of a church admin.
4 OrgViewer Church Admins that have this role can view all of your church’s activities on the Gotedo Vineyard Software, but cannot take any action, unlike the OrgEditor that can perform some actions.
5 ServiceAdmin Church members assigned the ServiceAdmin role can administer (create, read, edit, but not delete) all aspects of a church’s service and visitors. They can view but cannot administer (create, edit, or delete) members in the church. Deletion of service-related resources can only be done by the OrgAdmin role.
6 ServiceEditor Church members who are assigned the ServiceEditor role can administer (create, read, and edit) all aspects of a church’s service but cannot delete a service or administer users. They can view but cannot administer (create, edit, or delete) members.
7 ServiceViewer Church members who are assigned the ServiceViewer role can view all aspects of a Church’s service but cannot administer (create, edit, or delete) a service. They can view but cannot administer (create, edit, or delete) members.

Managing Church Administrators

Introduction to Church Administrators’ Management

Managing Church Administrators

Inviting Your Members as Church Administrators

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