Converting a Church Administrator’s Account to an Internal Account

By the end of this article you should Know:

The Gotedo Platform is an integrated platform connecting the Gotedo Vineyard software to the Gotedo Social Media Platform. Therefore, by default, the accounts of all church administrators using the Gotedo Vineyard software are publicly visible on the Gotedo Social Media Platform. This is because church administrators’ accounts are just like those of other users within the Gotedo Platform, but with access to administer churches. Since all users’ accounts are publicly visible by default, anyone can search and discover the accounts of your church administrators on the Gotedo Social Media Platform. However, there could be some church administrators’ accounts which you do not want to expose to the public. The Internal Account Request feature was developed to allow you convert the account of such church administrators to internal accounts.

To convert a church administrator’s account to an internal account, you need to send a conversion request to the Gotedo Team. Please follow the steps below:

  1. On the left sidebar, under the Other Tools section, open the Church Administrators menu, then click on Church Administrators. The Church Administrators page will be displayed.
  2. Locate the account you want to convert to an Internal account.
  3. On the Actions column, click on the menu labelled 1 in Figure 1 below, then click on the Convert to Internal Account action labelled 2.
    Figure 1: Screenshot showing the Login Accounts table.
    Figure 1: Screenshot showing the Login Accounts table.
  4. On the confirmation dialog confirm the operation by typing Proceed in the input box and clicking the Proceed button. The request will be sent to the Gotedo Team for approval.
    Figure 2: Screenshot showing the Internal Request Confirmation Dialog
    Figure 2: Screenshot showing the Internal Request Confirmation Dialog

You will be notified via email when your request is approved by the Gotedo Team.

Managing Church Administrators

Editing Church Administrator Access

Membership Follow-Ups

Introduction to Membership Follow-Ups

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